Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love

"Come thou Fount" is my favorite hymn ever. Seriously. They need to put it back in the hymnbook. But it's in the German one!!! And German is most beautiful when sung, so that makes it a really pretty hymn :)

It's been a long weekend, and I'm not really sure why. I don't think I've kept myself busy enough, so I had a lot of time to pine and mope and such >.<>.> I'm not even sure what I did all weekend.....although, I did make crepes tonight. I just made a half batch for lauren and I, and they were tasty.

<.< Actually, I didnt think to take any pictures of the tastiness until AFTER they had all already been devoured....but suffice it to say, they were pretty. And good. Yum.

It rained tonight. But I looked out the window right before it started raining, so the wind was just blowing like crazy and there were only the first traces of rain in the air, but the air smelled like rain and it was just whipping the trees around.....I LOVE the rain, but my favorite part is always like today, right before the storm starts, when the storm is just brewing and you can feel the power of it...

I'm not too poetic. I wish I were. But i really liked that. In fact, I missed the beginning of the fireside with Elder Bednar tonight cause I just couldnt go inside when there was as storm a'brewing out there to be taken was awesome.

I would like to get out of Provo, I think. I haven't left since Christmas. Well, I've been to Salt Lake once or twice, but just for the day/afternoon/morning. I think I would like a roadtrip....but I dont know anyone with a car that would like to go on one....and I don't have anywhere to go. Ahhhh, these are all difficult problems. Maybe I will just start reading a lot more books, which is a little like taking a vacation, without paying for it and without actually going anywhere....

Ahhh. That is all. Thanks for reading. o.~

peace, love, I need an outlet,


lydiaruth said…
jill and I want to roadtrip. She is leaving for two weeks, but when she is back we should go somewhere.
Catherine said…
oh my gosh! can I come? pleaaaase?

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