Ich bin das Regen, und du bist das Meer

Today I came out of work at 8ish, and it was probably 60ish degrees, and everything was just a little bit damp, and the air smelled like it had rained while I was inside. Rain is my favorite smell in the world, bar none (also, I really like weather, in general. If I ever talk to you about the weather, I am not just making small talk. I love seasons and sunshine and rain and thunderstorms and weather in general, and I love love talking about it). And I was listening to Juli (pronounced [yu-li]), one of my favorite German pop/rock bands on the way home (hence the blog title....it's a line from one of the songs, and it means "I am the rain and you are the sea") which is really awesome. For some reason, listening to German music today made me feel like ME. Cause I've gotten to where I can understand it without really trying to (minus random words here and there) and Juli has a lot of deep lyrics expressed really simply to an upbeat tempo, so its really enjoyable to listen to. So I was smelling rain and listening to Juli (which means "July") and then I took off my flip flops and walked barefoot the rest of the way home, through any patch of grass I could and on pavement too. The grass was wet and cool, and the pavement was cool too, and differed in texture from the sidewalk to the street to the stairs. Sensory-wise, it was a really awesome walk home. If only I had been eating something awesome...

The whole walk was only like 15 minutes, but it was awesome and really made me feel alive. I wasnt terribly happy (I havent been lately....long story. No really) but it was nice out and I was feeling confident and I was barefoot, and things were good for just a little while. It was good.

peace, love, semi-contentment,


John M said…
Long story you say? I love long stories!
lydiaruth said…
Catherine. I love your blog. Seriously. And I wish I was a better blogger myself, you have me beat there my friend.
lydiaruth said…
catherine. You have much better blogging skills than i do. I am jealous, and I love your blog.
Timothy said…
walking barefoot = the best! i am a huge fan for all the reasons mentioned in your blog + some.

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