All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing: Alleluia! Alleluia!
That is probably one of my favorite hymns ever (All Creatures of our God and King, LDS hymbook hymn # 62). I think it is because the melody is actually Geistliche Kirchengesänge (or, Spirited Hymn :D) and I really really love that whole grandiose German hymn feel :D Anyways :D
It has been days since I have posted! Someone informed me of this today, so I decided that I should fix it.
Thursday! Letzen Donnerstag!
Garrett texted me and said he was gonna climb the Y (for those non BYU students reading this, we have a gigantic white stone Y on the side of the mountain with a trail leading up to it, and its kind of a rite of passage to climb it at least once while at school here) and asked if I was going to come with. I was on the couch gonna fall asleep to some what not to wear so I told him probably not, but then it turned out he was just gonna go do it alone cause he really wanted to (and lately I've just been craving hiking the Y, I dont even know Y [OH MY GOSH A PUN]) soooo I went too!! And it was awesome.
So, the Y is on the side of the mountain, yeah? For those of you that havent climbed it/dont go to BYU--you drive halfway up the mountain to the trail head, then you hike 1.2 miles to the Y, where to stop and take cool pictures and oh yeah, catch your breath because the whole trail is like 10 switchbacks (oh no garrett, we never counted how many there were!!!!) and they are all at like 45 degree angles!!!
Look, there is home!!! I will not point to it cause this blog is not private, but it is there :D
Seven Peaks waterpark! Look how tiny the cars are!!!
The Provo Temple!
The view on the way back down!
It has been days since I have posted! Someone informed me of this today, so I decided that I should fix it.
Thursday! Letzen Donnerstag!
Garrett texted me and said he was gonna climb the Y (for those non BYU students reading this, we have a gigantic white stone Y on the side of the mountain with a trail leading up to it, and its kind of a rite of passage to climb it at least once while at school here) and asked if I was going to come with. I was on the couch gonna fall asleep to some what not to wear so I told him probably not, but then it turned out he was just gonna go do it alone cause he really wanted to (and lately I've just been craving hiking the Y, I dont even know Y [OH MY GOSH A PUN]) soooo I went too!! And it was awesome.
So, the Y is on the side of the mountain, yeah? For those of you that havent climbed it/dont go to BYU--you drive halfway up the mountain to the trail head, then you hike 1.2 miles to the Y, where to stop and take cool pictures and oh yeah, catch your breath because the whole trail is like 10 switchbacks (oh no garrett, we never counted how many there were!!!!) and they are all at like 45 degree angles!!!
So it was a good workout. And this was my one off day of running this week (besides sunday) so it was especially trying....but it was worth it :D
This is after the first 2 switchbacks, I think. The parking lot is where we started!
In summation: My gluts and thighs are sore, but I feel like I've gotten my dose of adventure for the week (random: did you know 'Adventure' in German is 'Abenteuer'? [pronounced ah-ben-toy-ahr] bet you didnt! NOW YOU KNOW) and I feel exercised and good.
Speaaaaaaking of exercise. Saturday I ran 5.5 miles! Thats the farthest I've ever ran! And I didnt die! (I wanted to sometimes, but then I didnt :D) I didnt run it very fact, it was rather slow....but I still did it :D and like 2/5 of it was uphill! So I'm feeling pretty accomplished :D
At work on friday, we didnt have a lot of business, so we played a goes like this.
One person thinks of a word.
Person 1: I am thinking of something that ryhmes with 'crap.'
Person 2 has to try and guess the word, but without saying it.
P2: Is it something that water comes out of?
Person 2 is also trying to stump Person 1 by giving a clue to the word they are thinking of so that Person 1 cannot guess it.
If Person 1 knows what Person 2 is asking about, then they respond:
P1: No, it's not a tap!
P2 also has to guess the right meaning. For instance, if P1 had been thinking of 'tap' but as in when you poke someone, then when P2 asked if it was what water came out of, P2 would have been wrong.
Final notes: If P2 gives a clue to a word that P1 cannot guess, then P2 wins. If P2 does not manage to stump P1 with their clues and does not guess P1's word, then P2 loses! Also, this game can be played with a crowd, where one person thinks of the word and everyone else guesses, trying to stump them. It works well either way :D And it is AWESOME. Jesse and I have been text playing this game, and he has won both times....this is why I should never have challenged an English major to a word game....but it was awesome nonetheless :D
Speaaaaaaking of exercise. Saturday I ran 5.5 miles! Thats the farthest I've ever ran! And I didnt die! (I wanted to sometimes, but then I didnt :D) I didnt run it very fact, it was rather slow....but I still did it :D and like 2/5 of it was uphill! So I'm feeling pretty accomplished :D
At work on friday, we didnt have a lot of business, so we played a goes like this.
One person thinks of a word.
Person 1: I am thinking of something that ryhmes with 'crap.'
Person 2 has to try and guess the word, but without saying it.
P2: Is it something that water comes out of?
Person 2 is also trying to stump Person 1 by giving a clue to the word they are thinking of so that Person 1 cannot guess it.
If Person 1 knows what Person 2 is asking about, then they respond:
P1: No, it's not a tap!
P2 also has to guess the right meaning. For instance, if P1 had been thinking of 'tap' but as in when you poke someone, then when P2 asked if it was what water came out of, P2 would have been wrong.
Final notes: If P2 gives a clue to a word that P1 cannot guess, then P2 wins. If P2 does not manage to stump P1 with their clues and does not guess P1's word, then P2 loses! Also, this game can be played with a crowd, where one person thinks of the word and everyone else guesses, trying to stump them. It works well either way :D And it is AWESOME. Jesse and I have been text playing this game, and he has won both times....this is why I should never have challenged an English major to a word game....but it was awesome nonetheless :D
In other news....I may actually not have any other news. Except that my world is at rights again. I am expecting nothing and taking it as it comes to me, and I am loving it. Tonight I played games with friends (Oh and totally PWNed at Settlers of Catan. YEAH Jacob. WHAT now ;D) and such, and then the games died but we were all just sitting around doing our own thing--and it was AWESOME. I love being around people, even if we're all just kinda chilling in the same room together. It's kind of like being with my family, I think, which is probably why I enjoy it so much. Cause we all get along really well and dont feel like we're imposing if we just sit there being chill and not doing any sort of organized activity. We dont have to do anything awesome to be happy being together. And this is why I love my friends. :)
By the way....HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! I already called my mama and she doesnt read this but I had to give her a shout out anyways. She is SOOOO AWESOME. I love my mama. Oh shoot....I feel a blog post about motherhood coming on....but it shall have to wait for the morrow, as I am sleepy and need to get up to go run in the morning :)
peace, love, happiness,
By the way....HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! I already called my mama and she doesnt read this but I had to give her a shout out anyways. She is SOOOO AWESOME. I love my mama. Oh shoot....I feel a blog post about motherhood coming on....but it shall have to wait for the morrow, as I am sleepy and need to get up to go run in the morning :)
peace, love, happiness,