Tell me am I right to think that there could be nothing better

I have been an avid reader of the BYU 100 hour board for several months now. For those unfamiliar with the 100 hour board, it is a thing run by BYU where there is a board of writers that anonymously answer questions anonymously submitted by anyone that registers on their site within 100 hours from when the question has been submitted. Questions range from statistical questions, like how many pretzels on average come in a single serving bag, to a question about buying a house, or how hard to is to pass X class at BYU.

I've submitted my fair share of questions in the past, some interesting, most not so much so. Last week, I had been thinking about how at Jamba, we offer free boosts that have health benefits that you can have put in your drink. I was wondering if they actually do anything, or if it's more of a placebo effect. So I wrote in and asked the 100 hour board. That was 5 days ago--more than 100 hours. Technically they're supposed to answer withing 100 hours of the question being submitted, so this morning I had been wondering when they would post the question, since it was late. I figured it would be posted tomorrow, and headed off to work.

In the last hour of work, a woman walked up to the register. I greeted her, and asked her what we could get for her today. She said she needed 3 Strawberries Wild, but that she had an odd request--2 needed to have an energy boost, but the third needed nothing. I told her I had heard much odder requests, and punched it all in the register. But I had gotten I asked her why she needed them to be like that. She said it was an experiment, so I asked her what for (at which point I was pretty sure what she was going to say), and she said it was FOR THE 100 HOUR BOARD. And then I FREAKED OUT on the inside. And told her that they'd be ready in just a minute. And tried not to stare at her and figure out which of my favorite anyonymous board writers she was.

That TOTALLY made my day. And now I'm even more excited to see their answer!!!! :)

peace, love, anonymity,


Timothy said…
ha no really awesome story ha. hint:you should link the 100 hour board website to your post so i could have just clicked it to check it out cuz i've heard of it but never checked it out so i was gonna but i didn't cuz i don't know the site. example. "i have been a fan of the 100 hour board club deal" bold meaning its linked. thank you
Catherine said…
well they havent posted it yet, or else I would!

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