"Endlich verrückt"

[translation: finally crazy]

This is most definitely how I feel right now. But first, some background.

This quote is from a movie we watched in my German 202 class a few semesters back, about angels that are in East Berlin before the wall fell. Angels cannot be seen by humans, but can hear their thoughts and can comfort them with their presence. The movie begins in the view of the main character, Damiel (who is an angel), as he listens to the thoughts of various east Berliners. In the first few minutes he comes across a woman riding a bicycle with a baby on the back, thinking:

"Endlich verrückt,
endlich nicht mehr allein.
Endlich verrückt,
endlich erlöst.
Endlich verrückt,
endlich ruhig.
Endlich ein Narr,
endlich ein inneres Licht."

In English, roughly:

"Finally crazy,
finally no longer alone.
Finally crazy,
finally redeemed.
Finally crazy,
finally calm.
Finally a fool,
finally an inner light."

Like most poetry, I don't really get this, but I really really love it. I love the juxtaposition of the "verrückt" with the more positive qualities like peace and light. I've definitely reached the crazy, but maybe I can acheive those other, better things, too....

peace, love, whatever,

[note: since this is in German I realize it'll be harder for most of you to relate to, but I really like and it and wanted to post it anyways....its more for me than for you...;D]


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