A mini family reunion hike

Over the weekend Megan and Garett came down from Rexburg to celebrate some birthdays (We love you Aaron and Garett!) and upon realizing everyone would be together we dubbed it a mini family reunion! After a yummy lunch and some delicious cake and ice-cream we drove up the mountain a little and took a hike! (side note: It only took us 10 minutes to get there and it was beautiful! Jesse and I are now ashamed that we didn't go up there every free weekend we've had since it's been nice out)

After a steep hike we found a little bridge and creek and a narrow pathway that was just gorgeous! 

After the pathway opened back up we got a breathtaking view of the valley and Aaron climbed a little rise to get a better view.  Does this shot by any chance look familiar to you? 

It did to me! 

Caspar David Friedrich's Above the Sea of Fog (source)  

When Niko finally got tired of the baby backpack grandpa carried him on his shoulders for a bit before deciding to let him explore a little bit.  

And then he helped Niko walk down the mountain! 

What fun! 


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