Just one photo

I should write a longer post to tell you all the things I've been doing lately, but I'm feeling rather lethargic and not very wordy so I think I'll just give you a picture and a quote instead.

Jesse: "I feel the weight of history upon me!"

(The book he is reading is Critical Theory Since Plato)

(In an unrelated tangent: Am I supposed to capitalize all of the words in that title?  In German titles just the first word and all nouns are capitalized, none of this "just important words business" so I get really confused when I have to capitalize titles in English.  And also, for the record, every single time I tried to type "title" in those sentences, I first typed "titel," because German spelling makes so much more sense.)

(Two semi-related shout-outs: Thanks for talking me into taking German 7 years ago Brittany! I have no idea what I'd be doing today if you hadn't. And Aaron: aren't you glad you're going to be taking this fantastic language this year? It's sooooo much easier than Japanese.  And more fun too :D)


bRob said…
I am happy that worked out for you. Are you a legit Deutsche major???
Catherine said…
yeah I am! German Literature. It's kind of awesome. Not terribly easy to translate directly to a job, but awesome nonetheless!

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