In which we play the smile game

We are slowly but surely teaching Nikolai to smile! There's a time of the day when he's full, has a clean bum and isn't sleepy yet when he gets real calm and observant, and if you put your face a few inches from his and smile at him for a long, long time, he'll try to smile back! 

Here's his papa playing with him:

He is our favorite. 


bearydiane said…
Oh these are too sweet!! I am glad his blessing is next week so I can see him again!
Tonya said…
What a cutie! As he gets older, try sticking out your tongue. It's amazing how early they can figure out how to stick out their tongue to copy you.
WoozleMom said…
That first picture is so ridiculously adorable. What a sweet baby!
bRob said…
precious. He is gorgeous and adorable! He looks like he has his own unique personality and character already!
Loïe said…
I love your little family!

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