Hello Monticello!

  Another little mini-vacation we took was last weekend, to Charlottesville, VA to see Monticello, AKA the awesome house and property of Thomas Jefferson.  

Aaron and Jesse are pretty good buddies with him :) 

This has nothing to do with anything else, but there was this little water fountain/garden by the visitor's center and coming from some of the lilies were these crazy alien looking stalks! Don't they freak you out?!

We couldn't take pictures inside the house but we came across this as we left and it gave me a good chuckle :)

That's a pretty privy tunnel, hm?

And here's the house itself! (btw, it's on the nickel!)

Ahem.  Here is Jesse and I, in front of our new home... ;)
(we wish! it was so cool!)

Outside behind the recreation of Thomas Jefferson's experimental garden is the SWEET little gazebo that he built.  Gorgeous, huh?

It makes a great place to pose for photos!

Here we're going for an american gothic sort of aesthetic...

...but it didn't really work so we gave up and were happy :)

At the end of the tour, we got to see the awesome monument over Thomas Jefferson's grave. 

Cool huh? 

And last but not least, as I was trying to snap a photo of the gazebo above, Jesse ran up and stuck his face in front of my camera. This was the result:

Yep.  He's awesome.


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