New Baby New Car New Job

GUYS. Life is coming fast these days. 

Right before Leona was born I found out I got an awesome 2 year paid fellowship at a library here in CT. It is going to be an AMAZING job but it is my first full-time job ever (I think even in college I never quite made it to 40 hours a week) and I'll be taking on a major train commute to make it happen. It's by turns exciting and overwhelming and exciting again. I start in July, so we've got some time to get ready!

And then the week after, Leona was born! So THAT definitely upended our lives, in the best of ways. 

And then 3ish weeks after she was born, our car up and died! We were already planning on buying a second car this summer, so we went ahead and did that now instead. Fun fact: buying a car in a short span of time when your only vehicle has died is no fun at all. Also, we were looking forward to having a second vehicle this summer to make getting to my new job a little easier, but as it turns out we'll be a one car family for awhile longer. 

And THEN, I GRADUATED. Seriously, it just doesn't stop over here!!!

We drove to Michigan for my graduation (but mostly as an excuse to see my parents/have them meet Leona, and to see all our old Michigan friends) and it was pretty great to have our new 7-seater vehicle to get there in.

One of us sat by Leona at all times, which meant she got soothed anytime she needed it, and therefore cried maybe 10 minutes total. 

Niko and Miri had a sweet little enclave in the back seat, and were super super awesome for the whole trip. There was a lot of entertainment provided by food and electronics, but isn't a road trip what that stuff is for anyways?

More on the trip to Michigan in following posts, but I'll end this one by saying that I really hope things settle down around here after my job starts in July (OH WAIT we're moving apartments in August, so I guess AFTER THAT) because I'm pretty done with major life changes for a while!


Maren said…
Wow that is a lot! Congrats on the job, that is awesome!

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