Hello New Haven

We took two days to drive from South Carolina to Connecticut, which made for a much more manageable drive with kids. We got our keys, found our apartment, and later that afternoon our crate of all the things we stored when we moved showed up. It was really exciting! I didn't really how much I missed my silly vintage couch, my bff kitchenaid mixer, and random articles of clothing that I had left behind but still loved. And everything was in good shape too (even the couch, which I was half convinced would have collapsed from being stood on end in the storage crate for a year). 

Some of our friends moved to New Haven last year, and when we were done unpacking (well, enough for the day), they invited us to their house for icecream. It was so great to see them again and to see their sweet new baby, and the kids were all really excited to see each other again! We're already really excited to be sharing a city with them again. 

Getting a few things out really started to make it feel like home. I loved getting out our wall decor (though I realized that all of the family pictures are 3 years old and don't include Miriam, so I'm waiting to hang those up when we take some new ones). It was nice to put the new embroidery pieces I made in Moldova up with our old pieces. The photo below is where I was plotting everything out on the floor, trying to find the best layout. 

Unpacking the books was very, very, very exciting. It's funny how attached I am to all of our books! Ok, I guess it's not that funny. I'm a librarian, after all!

Finally, it was really exciting to get all our board games out and play a good old-fashioned game of Settlers of Catan. This is the game that Jesse and I played several times a week when we were dating, and it felt like old times pulling it out again.

While the unpacking stretched for a few more weeks, we tried to do a few other things to get settled. The best was getting a membership at the Peabody Natural History museum. There are so many awesome fossils, and we're pretty stoked to get to go there whenever we want all year.


Maren said…
I can't believe you moved to the same city. So cool. I want to go see you guys and have an Ann Arbor reunion haha. Unpacking after a year is so exciting. How have the kids readjusted to the US?
Congratulations on moving once again successfully! How awesome that you get to reunite with old friends in a new place :) We have been thinking of you guys, and hope that the start to the school year has gone well for y'all!

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melissa said…
how neat that you had friends who moved there! ps when i come visit, can we go to the peabody?

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