
Over the break Jesse and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary! The awkward thing about getting married the day after Christmas is that it's a busy time of year and sort of hard to find things to do on your actual anniversary (what can I say, I was a love blind bride!) but so far we've made the best of it!  This year we left Nikolai with his grandparents for an afternoon a few days before our actual anniversary and went snowboarding.  I had never been before so it was quite the adventure! Luckily Jesse is a patient teacher and after MANY falls I figured it out--and by the 5th pass down the slope I barely fell at all! It was so refreshing to just spend some one-on-one time with Jesse (something that doesn't happen that often these days) and it was exciting and fun to try something new :)

Here we are on the ski lift:

And afterwards, sweaty and a little wind burnt but so happy :)

On our actual anniversary we went out to dinner to Eva in SLC and LOVED it! It was full of hipsters (probably due to it's emphasis on small portion sizes and responsibly grown produce) and the food was excellent.  We definitely enjoyed ourselves and want to try and make it back one more time before we make the Big Move! 

Now, on being married for Three Years:

My, how fast it's gone! But the funny thing about being married to Jesse is that it always feels like we've been together longer than we actually have-- at 6 months it felt like a year, at 2 years it felt like 3, and now we're both fairly certain we've been married for at least 5 years! And I mean that in the best way possible--it's just so hard to imagine a life before the one we have now.  Things aren't always perfect--most days there seems to be a never-ending string of bills and chores to be dealt with, and with Nikolai's arrival there is ALWAYS a diaper to change or a mess to clean up--but it's a good life all the same.  It's the quiet moments that make it so great--playing board games after Nikolai goes to bed, dancing around to fun music in the living room, having rousing political discussions together, and, of course, any excuse to bake and eat cookies.  It's funny because now, when I reflect on our life together, I'm not just looking back at our relationship, but also at our family as a whole--this project we've started together of raising children and making a life for ourselves.  Our life now is much different than it was this time last year, but after everything I'm so grateful that Jesse's the man I have by my side as we go forward.  Jesse, thanks for the last three years, and thanks in advance for the next 50! 


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