Friday Responsibilites

This week, Friday Responsibilities superseded Saturday Adventures :( 
Normally, Jesse doesn't have class on Fridays (hooray!) but since we're super used to him being gone 8-5 M-F he just goes to campus on Friday anyways and gets his readings done so we can have time on Saturday for adventures! But this week we had to mix things up because I really wanted to go ahead and get my driver's license and our car registration and plates updated. Unfortunately, they are only open on weekdays, so Jesse stayed home on Friday so I could go sans Nikolai, and he studied all day Saturday instead.  

So although I don't have anywhere fun to tell you about this week, I do have this! 

Hooray! We're Michigan residents now! 

Aside: I really wanted to take a picture of where it says "Spectacular Peninsulas" on the bottom of the plate but Nikolai reaaaaally wanted to touch it. 

Can you tell he's at a really "helpful" age?? ;)


Kylie said…
Wow, you are on top of things! We were here for like 6 months before we changed plates, and Landon has yet to switch his license! Doesn't it make you feel all official and like less people are staring at you while you drive?
melissa said…
oh i'm an echo: you are on top of things! it feels good to be responsible though right?

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