And today was a day just like any other

My hair is blue. And kind of awesome. Look!It's kind of very bright. But I kind of like it.
This is a chunk peeking out from under the back. I'm not very good at taking pictures of the back of my head...This is a chunk on the side.

Overall it's kind of blue/teal/green....and I like the chunks peeking out better than the huge chunk in the front. But it doesnt matter much, cause it'll be gone soon anyways!

I woke up at 9:30 today, even though I didnt have work til mid-afternoon. I liked it though; I was more awake and less sleepy than if I had woken up at 11. Lauren and I sat out for 2 hours today on a blanket in the grass in the sun and read books. Well, she read a book, and I attempted to...but spring makes me a little I had to come inside to get a snack, and then to get my notebook to write in, and then I put my had up to block out the sun and realized it looked really cool so I had to take a picture...
This is what is looks like normal.This is what it looks like all cool.

Today was a nice day--hot at noon but perfect weather on my way home from work. There was a baby walking from her mom to her dad that I walked past, and she had little shoes on that squeaked while she walked. So she was toddling along, going "squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak." And it was probably the cutest thing I have ever ever seen.

I've been worrying a lot lately that I'll never really be self-sufficient, never really be able to graduate and get a full time job that I can support myself on. But I was thinking a lot today. I'm smart. I'm not brilliant, but I'm smart. I could work some desk job, somewhere, for the rest of my life, if I really really had to. If I dont get married and have kids and end up living on my own, I could get a job and support myself. It was really comforting to realize that I could do that if I needed to, cause I've really worried that maybe I couldnt...More of the question is whether or not I could find a career that I would really love. I don't have a lot of faith in my abilities to graduate and find a job that incorporates the things I've studied. I would love to translate, but I'm always scared that I wouldnt be good enough to....but maybe then the thing I need to work on is learning and studying enough that I feel really confident in my ability to speak German and to know how to say everything I want to say in it....

Yeah, I'm rambling. But that's really why I started this blog. Cause sometimes I need to write out what I'm thinking and feeling to get it better :) Thanks to any of you who actually read this ;)

peace, love, blue hair,


John M said…
The hair looks AWESOME!And I totally know the feeling about graduating and not actually doing anything with your degree. I'm positive you are more than capable of being a translator!
Timothy said…
next experiment: cherry koolaid on one side, grape on the other.
Catherine said…
john: thanks!!! you're the best :)

tim tim: I think you're right!
Kiera said…
gosh! catherine, I love the hair, i am going blue too. once i find a place. and i love your blog! its amazin!
Catherine said…
Thanks kiera! you totally should, you would look SO COOL!!!!

and thanks :)

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