Only time will tell if violins will swell in memory of what we used to call 'in love'

I am about to rant. Brace yourselves.

Why is it that no one knows how to spell 'you're' anymore??? Yes, 'your' is a word, but only when using the possesive!!! Today I was floating around facebook, and saw on two different people's walls by two different people "Your engaged?" So, grammatically, these people are enquiring about someone's 'engaged,' whatever that is. Seriously. It's a contraction. If you cant manage it, go old school and say "You are engaged?" Cause that sounds better than inquiring about someone's engaged. Cause that doesnt exist. And then I just think you are stupid.

Ok, disclaimer. I've made this mistake before. Probably multiple times. So I dont have tons of room to talk. But if I notice that I've made the mistake, it almost physically pains me, and then if possible I correct the error.

Why do people not use the correct 'you're' anymore? Is it just sheer laziness? Or do they really not realize that it is wrong? I think I confronted my sister about this once, and she said something along the lines of "I'm not at school, I don't have to care if I'm using proper english or not." I don't like that mindset. It implies that having good grammar is a situational practice. I think it should really just be habit. Especially since my sister spends about 7 hours online everyday, talking to people and using the wrong you're left and right, and only about 6 at school, most of which are not spent writing or typing, so she is not getting practice having to use the proper you're for most of that time. I'm fairly certain, actually, that this is having a negative effect on the writing that she does do. Not having read anything of hers recently, I cant be sure, but in theory....

Also. Other random, I dont get as mad about these-pet peeves.

Board. Is a piece of wood. Or a council of people. Not what you feel when you have nothing to do.

Loose. Is how something feels when it is not tight. Not when you no longer have something. I don't understand where this mistake even comes from. I've known several people that have spelled it this way, and I've always wanted to ask "Have you not been spelling the word 'lose' for years? How are you suddenly spelling it with an extra o?" Did that many people really just learn to spell it wrong? seriously.

To. Is where you are going. Not to be mistake with the second counting number in english, or another word for 'also.' This occurs much less frequently than these others (and mostly only amongst middle schoolers) but I saw it today on a friend's page, and I'm pretty sure the person writing wasnt in middle school....

So yeah. There is my rant. If you do any of these things....sorry. I'm not trying to call you stupid. I just want to raise awareness that these are grammatically incorrect, so that people will stop making these errors and start looking intelligent (even online)!

peace, love, having proper grammar is attractive,


Timothy said…
paragraph 8, line 1 you made a grammatical error. :) it you said mistake when it should have been mistooked. haha pwnd. no really you forgot an "n"

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